Dr Richard Warrington Honoured by Royal College

  • Dr. Richard  Warrington was recently honoured for his  long and continued service to the Royal College. Without volunteers like Richard Warrington – the Royal College could not fulfill their mandate.

When asked about a time while volunteering for the Royal College when he felt that his contribution had made a tangible impact Dr Warrington recalled that “During an oral examination, a candidate became ill. There were apparently no regulations as to what to do, so we sent the candidate to Emergency to be assessed. When the candidate was considered recovered by the ER physician, with the candidate’s permission, we continued the examination successfully.”    He stated that it is important to the College, to the medical profession, to the trainees and to the public  to give back to the medical profession through  work with the Royal College.

Thank you Dr. Warrington for your over 30 years of dedication and service to the Royal College.


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